Thursday, April 28, 2005

They do Happen

Sometimes miracles do actually happen,yes i have proof! it was like someone up there( God yes you!) were just waiting for you to let go at that crux of a moment,then bhooonm ........there you have it-something that you probably have been longing to happen does just that!-HAppeNs! Its a blissful feeling, like the re-affirmation of faith that some things that we do really wish for ,if were meant to happen , will do so at the right point of time. Theres nothing scientific about it,yup-lets please not qualify 'miracles' as some happening of xyz forces due to xyz reactions at xyz point of time! Cause thats why we call them 'miracles.' so save the thinkers of the 'whys' and the 'whens.'

Thats why- we say 'miracles do happen huh?'

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Teaspoon of Humour

Okay call me a plagiarist but this was too good to miss out!!

1)If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
(Hardly seems worth it.)

2)The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.

3)A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
(In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

4)A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.
(I'm still not over the pig.)

5)Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories a hour
(Don't try this at home,maybe at work)

6)The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off.
("Honey, I'm home. What the....?!")

7)The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field.
(30 minutes..lucky pig! Can you imagine?)

8)The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
(What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

9)Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
(I still want to be a pig in my next life...quality over quantity)

10)Butterflies taste with their feet.
(Something I always wanted to know.)

11)The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

12)Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
(If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

13)Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
(okay, so that would be a good thing)

14)A cat's urine glows under a black light.
(I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)

15)An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
(I know some people like that.)

16)Starfish have no brains
(I know some people like that too.)

17)Polar bears are left-handed.
(If they switch, they'll live a lot longer)

18)Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
(What about that pig??)

Friday, April 22, 2005

Book smart Vs Street SMarts?

Nice article- and a must watch!-'The apprentice' definitely taught me that there's more to management than 'principled theorised thinking.'Have a look at the link and grab the quick bits below.>1=6413

Take aways from this article:

-Street-smart people may not have gotten an A+ [in school], but they handle others in an A+ manner.( maybe not always ,but most certainly)

-Any victorious hiring in real life--will come as a result of someone illustrating an ability to not only lead with passion, but to convince others that he or she is right for the job. ( very very true... but then how do you convince them? either u ought to be a natural intellect or a programmed one right?)

-Creating and sustaining a strong corporate persona is more important than anything else you can do on the job.( nice- we ( well i for sure...) are always fixated on climbing up that oh so 'utopian' heirarchy!)

-Leadership and management are not the same thing.( nice to know-cause i can try fit in either one...:) )

-Some people with impressive educational credentials take an excessive pride in their own intellects, and this can sometimes hinder their brainstorming abilities,street-smarts have an the edge because, they stop to ask questions to figure out what they don't know. ( sad but mostly true-education forgot to teach most of us that ' with it comes mental blocks,moslty in terms of ego')

-The closer you get to your formal training, the less you think you need to explore alternate solutions.( yes -again mental blocks)

-Having the foundation of education is good. It helps with traits that you need for leadership--agility, and being able to self promote without selling your soul. ( damn that was excellent- 'self promote' i need to do that every single day!)

-Both are important,also- book smarts ought to get practical street experience, and street smarts ought to take a class. It shouldn't be black or white. It should be a kaleidoscope of options.

-Will real-life boardroom will be unattainable without an academic decree?

( depends on the recruiter, is he/she book smart or street smart?)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

2 Cups of Tea

So i had 2 huge cups of tea in the span of an hour.invigorating must say.Then almost at the fag end of my day i end up with this client who has a whole lot of issues and am trying to convert it into some sale. Then in between i land up on some random blog page and see this beautiful picture ,and stumble on some same thoughts i thought belonged to Meeee! well am not complaining, at this juncture am glad i share the same sentiments with the rest of the 'bloggers' out there.

Then of course some nit wits of the world who cross my path with the same mundane cliched comments i wish i could tell them to stuff in their mouths.*sigh* life would have been easier if i outsourced my 'verbal thoughts' or 'truths' to my fellow human beings. yeah yeah i am what? its my space and i just love it more everyday.:)


Monday, April 18, 2005


Its how you define everything . Not just the geography but the contours of everyday living.I must admit, this is new wisdom. Everything is out there, here we just need to hear it at the right time!(read deeper, 'the right time' is very important)Everyone would have different perspectives on every minute thing. I have to be wise to choose my 'definition' and the directions in my map.Yesterday it made little sense but today it makes more sense. If its your life and you don't like it ' its how you define it' if its your work and others complain about it, 'its how you define it.' isn't that nice? Sounds so simple doesn't it? Like my sweetheart out there says ' think about things that are within your circle of influence and leave the rest to fate.' Read between the lines, makes lots of sense.

Everything is more than skin deep, but we choose the lengths to which we decide to dive into.Its like an ocean. We can swim across ,around or to the center. we can even swim deeper or float in the same spot. The choice is within our circle of influence,the way we swim and decide to enjoy every minute of it, no matter how shallow the spot is, depends on how we 'define' the experience.On the contrary, the waves are not within my circle of influence,i will leave it to fate and the law of nature. There isnt any point fighting against it, let alone worrying what nature has in store for me. It could be a ripple or a giant killer whale for all you know! But who cares-thats Fate, let it be :)So let me define my life,work and world now. It suddenly seems like something within my control !

Finally :)

Saturday, April 16, 2005


A bright and sunny day, and the touts were yelling in different languages,selling different product lines( hey i cant think of any other apt word...besides i did do my mba!!).Then the my neighbor strolls to his petite balcony,overburdened with pots that seem to
scream ...'oxygen!' (even the plants seem to have passed that stage). Then playing to his routine
he screams for his coffee and settles on a young tea pot,and i was thinking...damn am glad thats not me!

Then i hear the whistle of my kettle,and i drift inside,the curtains were drawn loose and were floating in the slight breeze, the rays of the 7am sunshine filtered through.It looked magical,guess thats why they say mornings are the first miracles of the day...( sam just interupted my train of thought...go away sam.....!) then i hear the screech of my dilapidated in no mood to entertain anyone i run outside...the last person i want to oh so glorified mr neighbor ( i cant seem to find a name for him...maybe later..).

So i try be courteous and invite him in,for a cup of coffee,sadly he has the audacity to accept the offer, and he sits on my favorite bean bag,stretches his lazy arms and screens the morning paper,groan.... another hour of political mongering.Then he intrudes in my private life,my space. I think at this point of time my hand was hotter than the cup of tea i held.

So i about i just throw him out of my balcony?or be a julia roberts and put on my best act.Or shud i just say...'freeze mister,invasion of privacy and solitude is also an offence!'
but i cant seem to do either...suddenly my mroning seems like dusk, and am ready to retire.

Then suddenly, mr .... says,' so what do you think?' then i dont remmember but i think i blurted out the loudest thing i ever said so far.

I think It went like this...i said..' i think your the most pompous,self conceited ,irritating,blood sucking(should have said 'time draining..') parasite i have ever met,why dont u go rest your a** on your tea spare the darn tea pot too,confine your thoughts into that empty sorry head of urs?'

he was as white as snow, for a moment i was wondering whether he needed sympathy ,but realised not,then suddenly my bean bag squeeks,and bursts,and mr...dashes out .I stand like a soldier grinning.

so shall i wear my uniform tomorrow? no i dont need to..............

Boy am i bored

okay, this is reaching nowhere, am at work...and bored to death. does that spell danger? i sure hope not. guess i'll console myself and blame the 'extrinsic' factors to it. funny, i literaly have the world at my fingertips..( the net..) and yet am lost.thnk God this is like my launchpad or rather my landing pot of complaints!

i went home last night and thought i entered the wrong apartment, my curtains were different and so was my furniture. dang..can i have my old stuff back?my landlord just changed the whole thing and now i need to go out to realize daylight exists!and now i get to see the paint unpeeling from different parts of the walls now that the curtains are different in lenght! could this get worse? yeah maybe i will let u know tomorrow.

are there any more additions to my day? cant think of any, except for maybe few new words i came across like 'mezzanine' and others that i can harldy spell...well thats a consolation! something new. ( even newer...i am justifying my lowest potentials) (!) ask me if i rememeber the meaning..yikes.

i think i need a sabbatical, little bit of cash,the smell of fresh coffee and cookies to fill my coming days. i could probably waft through the spreadsheets of the earth and fill in the missing formulas.isnt it unfair that life is like an equation? am sure if i were a genius at math i would sit in the corner of my room and figure out the solution to the mysteries and possibilities of life. i could toss around the fate of mankind in the future too.

guess that wont happen in the near century, so i will wait for the next magician to wave his magic wand and tell me where next to go..or rather i will take the wand and wish it away so i can live through this never ending equation of life.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Misty, the mountains
Heavy the Rain
Behold the new shade

Beaten the path
Doubtful the mind
Reminded the luxury of thought

Wafting,autumn leaves
Piercing,the Spring rays
Seeping , the dew drops

Infinite the mystery
Square the circle
Changing the masquerade


Yes, its friday- and nope am not really excited. Its been a crazy week.Dont even ask me why.Well good and weird, i realise that my ex roomie blogs beautifully and my cousin bro as well! who has been in touch with her too. isnt it a small weird wonderful world? I am stuffed ,i have KFC burgers and chicken in my stomach and i guess its using up all my energy to digest! ughhh.....i need some nice coffee.I am done with the ways of the world-(okay tangential at this point with ref to KFC :) )But its like liberation, cuss cuss cuss and still smile. grin . Okay thats a bit too strong a word maybe i should put it as 'speak the truth and say cheese!'

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Small Luxuries mean BiG

Another day at work- another day with the mundane routine.Another day that you keep promising your self 'i will be inspired' 'i will make this work' 'i can get there' its like some viscious cycle isnt it? i guess this means ' its in you or it just isnt' -but thats rather discouraging isnt it.Cause everyone has a fight it just depends on what artillery and armour you choose.How do we choose though? the answer is -you can but we just dont do we? thats the translation of life- its a spontaneous stage with unprecedented actors and warriors.Either we act or or choose to be the spectator. either way we make a choice and live by it.

well look at the brighter side -we get to choose dont we?What if i was denied that luxury........alas no freedom?

Friday, April 08, 2005

Window Panes

OKay-lets say i learn 'some' things pretty late,rather 'realize' things bit too slowly.I am referring to judging others and being the best possible cynic.yesterday i tried to see the world through a cynic/pessimists eyes. Boy was it so different.I realize there are so many reactions that i could come up with.its just crazy. but now it somehow makes more sense-Reactions lead you to where you are today!DAMN.Isnt that scary?It is-cause i rationalize with every thing and add sense to the madness.Where does that leave you and i?

A cynic would say- The circle is not perfectly round.
Pessimist: It doesnt even look like a circle!
I would say: Its a perfect circle. (shud i *sigh?* here...)

Results: The Cynic would be asked to proove his/her point, and no matter what the outcome of the 'circle' is ,he/she would have prooved his skill sets/lack of fear/proactivity-gist of it:The Individual would have made a point.

The Pessimist: this is tricky-he would draw a circle or make someone else draw it and make others say 'yeah, maybe this looks better'-boom!: result-be a pessimist and go far in life.( refer to ironies of life,paragraph *** Verse :Ashas' reiterations)

The likes of Me:am speechless-i dont even know,i didnt create dissent.I am happy with what i see.So what,i still see the circle as round enough!Arrrrrrrgh. I cant even look at the positive side of things?

Yup so thats what it looks like,the sight through the window pane,we see it as cloudy,bright,stormy,windy.Depending on which you grab your raincoat,summer cap or parka.

And its all through the same damn window pane.So What should i wear?