Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Spoon of Faith

Am thanking God today for answering my prayers, i need to capture the moment and remember it again. Its wonderful how smallest things can enlighten you, It could just be a book and spoonfull of faith :)

And almost everything is about now.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Modified Excerpts from 'A new earth'

I read Eckhart Tole 'A new Earth' the other week,and even though most of the things were very intense and maybe things i am yet to experience, it was defintley a wonderful book. Eckhart has really written the book with genuine conviction. I remember writing few things i wanted to go through on my post it notes, maybe it may 'awaken' you as well as it almost did to me :)

The below sentences are not exact quotes,or sentences but have the content from the book.Hope it will convey the meaning,as that is the only purpose.

Live in the present,everything you do takes time but it is always now

Acceptance,enjoyment,enthusiam are the three most important steps to awaken yourself,you dont need all three at the same time but start with one at least


When in sadness,unhappiness,stress or other simillar emotions, accept that 'this' is how you feel now and DONT try change that. Trying to change the situation at that moment when you cant will only create more unhappiness,stress,or the emotion you are feeling.

Accepting that state generates a space around that feeling and makes you feel better,it doesnt neccessarily have to solve your problems


We all have an inner purpose and an outer purpose
Inner purpose-primary
outer purpose-secondary

Inner purpose is awakening within yourself,living in the present,and feeling your consciousness
Outer purpose are the actions you do.

We need to achieve our inner purpose first to take on our outer purpose


Jesus said 'I myself cannot do this'

He also said 'In your prayers believe that you have received what you have asked for and it shall be yours'


The means are as important as the end, suffering caused my the means to reach your end will only cause more unhappiness to the end


Create gaps in your thoughts, free your mind of constant thoughts to be present and awakened

9.33 pm on my dining table

I seem to be most poetic and creative when am almost asleep. The other night i created a poem with my exact thoughts and thought i can pen them down today.This morning i woke up and i dont even remember one sentence. But the funny thing was that it was something i have wanted to write about a long time but didnt have the words. hmmm funny i still dont have them!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just 42 minutes left

Its 11.18pm and i have just 42 min left of me being 26 ever again!I suddenly feel am getting older than i ever imagined i would be. Now it just seems years will come and go :) So i need to really live in these last few minutes since i will never be 26 again.

And i know i will say the same when 27 comes to an end next year :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My New Template

I finally changed my blog template here, this is actually much better :)

Well Sunday today, i had my birthday party yesterday ( well few days in advance)Rune wanted to arrange something for me here,was fun! He baked a mocha cake for me and made cocktails!He is so adorable! I got 2 books,3 plants,a pink winter scarf and a gift card from body shop as gifts, nice huh? That means i have more to read now!

Well its a cloudy day today,but like they say i can always change the weather in my mind. so maybe cloudy can be nice too.I can hear the dishwasher noise in the background and see my plants on the dining table. so pretty!And of course my husband is playing his much awaited sunday computer games in his 'computer' room.

So maybe i should go back to reading my book, or maybe ill do it after a while ;)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Everyday these days

The white candle burns on my table
I draw the curtains to let the light in
I can see a slight breeze outside,and the grey clouds
Hovering and blanketing the sun so stubbornly

I see the trees so green,and some red houses too
A path out my window as though it was leading to the stormy clouds
Then the sun rays escape the clouds,but just for a little while
Only to be embraced by the clouds again.

I can hear the silence,and feel the stillness
I picture things and faces thousands of miles away
I see the past so clear like a dream
But i also feel a presence like a bigger dream

The candle still burns
The clouds and the sun still play
I look out the window and smile knowing
This is my view everyday,a fairy tale outside my window


Have you ever baked cakes in Heaven? well i have,on the greenest hillside and the sun was so pure and near. It was just the other day,really.