Monday, September 22, 2008

Modified Excerpts from 'A new earth'

I read Eckhart Tole 'A new Earth' the other week,and even though most of the things were very intense and maybe things i am yet to experience, it was defintley a wonderful book. Eckhart has really written the book with genuine conviction. I remember writing few things i wanted to go through on my post it notes, maybe it may 'awaken' you as well as it almost did to me :)

The below sentences are not exact quotes,or sentences but have the content from the book.Hope it will convey the meaning,as that is the only purpose.

Live in the present,everything you do takes time but it is always now

Acceptance,enjoyment,enthusiam are the three most important steps to awaken yourself,you dont need all three at the same time but start with one at least


When in sadness,unhappiness,stress or other simillar emotions, accept that 'this' is how you feel now and DONT try change that. Trying to change the situation at that moment when you cant will only create more unhappiness,stress,or the emotion you are feeling.

Accepting that state generates a space around that feeling and makes you feel better,it doesnt neccessarily have to solve your problems


We all have an inner purpose and an outer purpose
Inner purpose-primary
outer purpose-secondary

Inner purpose is awakening within yourself,living in the present,and feeling your consciousness
Outer purpose are the actions you do.

We need to achieve our inner purpose first to take on our outer purpose


Jesus said 'I myself cannot do this'

He also said 'In your prayers believe that you have received what you have asked for and it shall be yours'


The means are as important as the end, suffering caused my the means to reach your end will only cause more unhappiness to the end


Create gaps in your thoughts, free your mind of constant thoughts to be present and awakened


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