Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cookies & Slumber

Then i saw the trees duck as the raging wind attacked, and the birds fly higher than the kite that i let go.The clouds opened their eyes and showered the terrains,as the cattle stopped grazing to run into their hay stacked dens.The valleys looked greener than the gem stones, and smoother than the mirage.The horizon garnishing the image with the myriad rays escaping the days toil.I could hear the baby cry then put to sleep,the children screaming in delight playing in the open free fields,and then my dad lighting up that fireplace.I also remember the smell of those freshly baked cookies that came from my mothers oven on that cold evening topped with that warm tea that ran down my throat.It was like magic that made me forget todays and tomorrows.

Then i remember the stars steering the clouds away, and the moon lighting up my nights.I would count sheep and imagine jumping over the stars.I dont remember what happened next...guess a fairy would sprinkle that magic powder and lead me to slumber.


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