Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Dont feel like it!

I dont feel like writing, i dont feel like working,i dont feel like thinking,i dont feel like working out,i dont feel like reading,i dont feel like shopping,i dont feel like talking,i dont feel like pretending,i dont feel like dreaming,i dont feel like traveling,i dont feel like listening to the same song,i dont feel like reading the same page,dont feel like uttering the same words, dont feel like wearing the same clothes,dont feel like doing anything...................

end of part 1
Part 2 should be better

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

LeSsoNs OuT of ScHooL

Lessons from work:

1) Believe in your ideas
2) Dont be sold onto by your manager
3) Stand firm incase your ship sinks-as long as you know you sailed the ship-with justice
4)Criticize Critize- or Ask -Why? How come (even though they dont make sense it gives the impression your thinking..errrr listening ;) )
5)Become an Anti-Thesis to mundane team/work activities ( cause it generates interest and fear that you may quit )
6) Bull Shit as long as the listener is a bigger fool
7) Your Managers have doubts too,they just sound sure somehow.....
8)Take "freedom' breaks and rejuvenate your system eventhough you've been in one too many.
9)Dont go by the rule book-you'll never make it to the top.By-passers reach faster*
10)Scream at your managers and colleagues once ina while (didnt they say 'you need to make noise to be heard??' )

Moral of the story-These are just 10 lessons compound it to 30 unique lessons p.m for as long as you can write a new rule book

Friday, August 05, 2005

Let go..

Its difficult to let go, especially when you dont have the choice!what does that mean.Building relationships again from scratch? darnnnnit i cant do it again.Whats the choice though....hmmmm

well been a tough week-weird-to the least very interesting.I am pretty confused with myself,i think i've developed a multiple personality.I sometimes think i can do the weirdest thing and behave like it was second nature, then the next day i would like to believe that person wasnt me!So does this mean anything to be prescise?Do i need to be sure of what am doing and what i want all the time?

Thats unfair isnt it? Cause that would narrow my choices-but that doesnt mean i can dip my fingers into mud or all that glitter* for that matter (*glitter-cause 'all that glitters aint gold') and i seem to be learning that pretty late in my adult life.

well-i need a 2nd part to this unfolding personality and rhythm, for all you know i would go back and want to delete this post cause i would think this wasnt me....... *sigh*

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


We need to be wise. Work place is designed to give you the answers you thought were right. The very next few months, you look at your self and feel like an imp for being sold onto!:(

A fool for being a believer in the system, a fool for living out what you thought was righteous and right. You believed in the 'heirarchy' of truth and credibility, not realizing it was the 'heirarchy of selfishness' am not mooting that,we need to be selfish in our careers, but we also need to remember that political diplomacy can be the best window dresser.

We make choices and change it out of 'that' fear. A fear that can only get uprooted by making those choices that go against you sometmes...rather most of the time? why? cause you believe in those choices soo much that you can take the whole system going against you.And then you proove yourself in your decision cause your heart and soul was almost sold out to it.

Darwin said it right 'survival of the fittest' only he forgot to mention that survival related to different enviroments,and the 'fittest' can survive the choices they make.And to be that-you need to separate your identity from your role.

Who said people with split personalities are abnormal?in fact i think they are the toughest .

WhY NoT?

I cant write it
I cant speak it
I cant tell it
Can i smile over it
Should i wallow over it
Can i separate my identity
Shall i be brave and be fearless
Should i be inhuman and stop thinking
Should i stop the race and start running
Should i paint the pictures
or Should i write that book
My mind spells thousands
My heart spells another
So what? whats next...........

Okay if you just read this piece and are still trying to figure out what am saying-trust me ,you wont be able to ,cause its cryptic.(on purpose) these words dont neccessary convey anything but when i read them next time i'll rememember what i was thinking and trying to pen down.....

Nope-am not confused,theres just been too many choices to make and everything looks blank to a 'non cynic.'

Moral of the story-you are what you think and do.Subconscious becomes reality through seasoned thought.