Monday, May 22, 2006

Da Vinci or Religious unsurety?

The current expose on the agitations of obstructing the screening of 'da vinci code' has just in PLAIN words- IRRITATED the hell out of me. What in the world were people doing when the book was released in the market in the first place?? and factually being a very 'religious' country we should not forget how 'conservative' we tend to be, and being conservative does NOT always mean -' being/doing the right thing.'

Why cant people just look at at this as just another creative piece of art? Is our faith and beliefs so volatile to be shattered by an extremely intelligent creative author and couple of celluloid marketeers?There are some who would even think its a 'mockery' on Jesus and the christian faith. for Christsakes!!

Then what about all the other things this world mocks- and really mocks about?What about how discriminated some people must feel when depicted (in book & celluloid) based on their racial segregation?? Shouldnt we expect some more noise then? I guess this whole thing called 'art' 'creativity' should be thrwon down the drains.Depiction is very subjective, the book is just a extremely descriptive insight on how new discoveries were made contrary what was believed in the christian faith. Did anyone say it was the truth?did anyone here really think the author would have had the pleasure of having a bestseller if he ever 'mocked' at a practiced faith??

If the fear is that the book can 'sway' peoples minds-and lead to contrarian beliefs,then isnt that where faith and beliefs are actually tested? So what if the book is even true? does that make God/religion less pure?Does that nullify the fact that Jesus did what was the best for mankind?Does that nullify his teachings that we still practice till date?

I think we really need to grow up before we jump and join the bandwagon, i am very religious,and after all this controversy i realize my faith and belief is much stronger and powerfull than a couple of dimwits who try and perpetuate otherwise( no offence meant).

If something as subjective as this can lead to so much uproar, do you expect to bring 'autocratic' consensus by enforcing classroom mentality?

God save YOU. Dont try vice-versa- he really doesnt need it

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Discover, develope,and intergrate--------- thats the most recent line i read. Yup- errr if your wondering its just some doc on technology. SOA to be exact. i promise it translates to 'sleeping over antibiotics' and not 'service oriented architecture' :D

And now the bangalore infrastructure seems to be going literaly down the bloody drains and am stuck here in office since those yellow beetlebums decided to say 'yes' and 'no' to where they need to go!! siggggggh the struggles of the indian middle-class society!! whatever that means these days, all i hear is noveaux riche blah blah.When am stuck with a SLK image running on smooth roads to the penthouse thats stretched really really far. haha i actually do sound funny. I mean whatever happened to the black market scandals,and all the highs and lows of the stock market> and these crazy real estate prices? I mean it can be so hilarious i could laugh of my non-existent bean bag. *( note 'non' existent bean bag there)- even that seems tagged! yuck- yup Y-U-C-K.

The bean bag really struck me now, not the roads,not the SLK- i just want a BEAN BAG!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Blind Believer?

I realized few days back- how strong and peaceful i can be, if i had faith,and let go off the things i worried about. Was i just too helpless to keep fighting that i succumbed to the 'so called' faith by surrendering my thoughts to God? Or was it just too comforting to think that God being ethereal,omnipotent and 'wanting' only the best for me- would give me the outcome i deserved?

And if what i get would not be what i want, would i be happy,content and not fight otherwise thinking that this is what God wants for me?I dont know. maybe i would just keep asking and praying. maybe i would just cling to that hope and realize that the present is the way God want things for me to be for now. The question is how will we ever know? We wont- thats why i/we call it 'faith' and others call it 'blind belief.'Blind- but strong, so strong that just that faith would let you be stronger than any other person,maybe so strong that you wont realize you were weak and needed some help. So strong that just a belief can let you live and not endure.

Thats the way life ought to be, not one of endurance,but of personal peace.Not one of constant survival but that of blind faith.Thats when you realize how important it is to 'let go' and keep walking.That way you can run ahead blindly but still see things so clear , and also feel proud to look back. thats also when you realize you dont need to fight to be strong but just to have the faith.

A small word,with a huge history.A small word, that just needs belief.