Da Vinci or Religious unsurety?
The current expose on the agitations of obstructing the screening of 'da vinci code' has just in PLAIN words- IRRITATED the hell out of me. What in the world were people doing when the book was released in the market in the first place?? and factually being a very 'religious' country we should not forget how 'conservative' we tend to be, and being conservative does NOT always mean -' being/doing the right thing.'
Why cant people just look at at this as just another creative piece of art? Is our faith and beliefs so volatile to be shattered by an extremely intelligent creative author and couple of celluloid marketeers?There are some who would even think its a 'mockery' on Jesus and the christian faith. for Christsakes!!
Then what about all the other things this world mocks- and really mocks about?What about how discriminated some people must feel when depicted (in book & celluloid) based on their racial segregation?? Shouldnt we expect some more noise then? I guess this whole thing called 'art' 'creativity' should be thrwon down the drains.Depiction is very subjective, the book is just a extremely descriptive insight on how new discoveries were made contrary what was believed in the christian faith. Did anyone say it was the truth?did anyone here really think the author would have had the pleasure of having a bestseller if he ever 'mocked' at a practiced faith??
If the fear is that the book can 'sway' peoples minds-and lead to contrarian beliefs,then isnt that where faith and beliefs are actually tested? So what if the book is even true? does that make God/religion less pure?Does that nullify the fact that Jesus did what was the best for mankind?Does that nullify his teachings that we still practice till date?
I think we really need to grow up before we jump and join the bandwagon, i am very religious,and after all this controversy i realize my faith and belief is much stronger and powerfull than a couple of dimwits who try and perpetuate otherwise( no offence meant).
If something as subjective as this can lead to so much uproar, do you expect to bring 'autocratic' consensus by enforcing classroom mentality?
God save YOU. Dont try vice-versa- he really doesnt need it