Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Excerpt of an interesting 'conversation' i had at work via email:

R: http://www.thedailywtf.com/forums/57295/ShowPost.aspx

Me:eeeek- i have the same sentiment 'WTF?' i cudnt understand a single line of code there-dont code remember?never learnt it either- unless he wasnt suppose to write all that line of code :P------------>>>>>>>

R:nope it was some of the sarcasm in the replies that u missed

ME:nope didnt miss that- read them :)

R:as i always say u miss stuff just below ur nose.

must b because it so big :-D

ME:LMAO-hate to admit it.errr thought my eyes were bigger :(

R:that's larger than ur nose

ME:so shouldnt i be able to see beyond my smaller than eyes nose??


R:what's lmao?

ME:that was 3 conversations ago-now LMAO!!!! :D

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Madness to method

So is there really a method to madness or madness to every method we adopt?
Are there situations you think you would have done without but on second thoughts realized otherwise?
Are there people you could have done away with but still could not do without?
Do we make choices because we like to or because we have no choice?
Do best things always come with tough choices?
And the not so right ones easy to make?

So do we just settle down for madness in method?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Cigarretes and Sex

So which comes first? Cigarettes then sex or Sex then cigarettes?

Interesting combination? which comes first? would research on the average responses show a generalistic opinion that would be gender biased? ha- trust me, i said that cause i just got an inspiring topic to ponder on.(must thank my friend for bringing this topic up!)So i actually realized that its okay to prefer one over the other,even going by cigarettes 'over' sex.

Nope, am not doing a research on how far each one would substitute for the other.Cause in statistical studies ,if an event is mutually exclusive, would it be possible for both these independent events to 'also' occur together?or isnt it even possible to say one of these 'events' could complement to occurence of the other??

Do we really need to care?as a matter of fact we dont have to,but in such a rare study/ thought - its interesting to realize that concepts that seem so uncorrelated,can also function in a perfect correlation.

Outcome:Cigarettes and sex,sex and no cigarettes,cigarettes and no sex,cigarettes before sex or cigarettes after sex!--------------does actually matter!