A thousand things happened few days/weeks back. In multiples of any digits you can probably think of. the funny thing is when i thought of posting it on this page, i cant seem to think of any- the only word that comes to my mind right now is 'BALANCE.'
Thats what the whole world is about-personaly,politically and professionally. If you can live your life with this simple rule, i think many things would be easier to overcome. of course 'balance' with 'patience/willpower.'
Its the most challenging part of life. we/i need to look at the past,present and future and balance not just our priorities but those who are affected by any of our outcomes.We sometimes live life aloof hoping we can subconsciously let go of this 'default' obligation to ourselves and in turn others.Reality is much different-the human economics is too futuristic and complicated to let go of this in every detail of our daily lives.
Its constant fight that once you master seems to fit just like a glove,once you realize these situations and balance your true life everyday you may think you can extend this and take a bigger risk.Dont. Balance your intentions,responsibilities with true and RIGHT intentions.No underlying negative connotations-only optimism ... Its like the circle of our lives- we need to rememeber our past,practice our aquired knowledge in the present for a balanced-symbiotic future.
Next time you're at a crossroad-balance your thoughts and be patient.Life wont be perfect but worth the wait and worry.