Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Its been a million years since the sun had struck its first ray(let me correct that..over a million years...),and also millions more before history was created on earth.I'm living that history now,...rather than the present.

Isnt that amazing? i can choose to live in the past or the future-yes of course the present as well.Dont ask me why i choose the past,but i need to answer that question as well.Could it be because some events have a profound impact on us and get us stuck in time for a while?Does this mean am loosing in the present and not making my future?...No,cause maybe if i dont look at my past i may miss out on certain moments that i lived more than once. :)

Then another random thought, does the rain always pour on days you need to run the most errands?and does the weather suddenly become so cold you'd have to skip your camping trip?Guess Murphy created himself an unprecedented future by creating his 'law' .....cause either he is right or we end up living it validating every 'unexplanatory' experience.

Sometimes time's just not enough.Havent you been a juggler sometimes ?juggling all those tasks you thought you would focus on in just one day?two days....?

Nope,changing the sand in your hourglass just doesnt help...........or does it?