Buck Doesn’t Stop Here-Yet!
Hmmmm....I am starting to realize that Dilbert, the animated ‘corporate ‘ rhetoric: is the cereal that fuels (?) our mornings when we step into that cubby hole that we dread. Mr ‘pointy’ haired boss may not typify your existing scenario but you know what? Look deep and bingo- its all about …That!
Okay-did I say fuels our mornings? To substantiate -yes,cause that way ,you’re in touch with reality, which is:‘reality’ is actually a façade, the reality that everyone tries hard to save their faces, the reality that team work actually means ‘ if you don’t get your job done its as good as : ‘my ass getting fired!’
And that’s where the buck stops or does it?
So whats in it for me, whats in it for you? Good question- my answer- do you have an alternative? Do you need the money? if no to the first and yes to the latter, then too bad, if vice versa- then good for you! Quit complaining and spreading the misery-leave us alone. Lets just be the Dilberts that will evangilize corporate ‘embezzlement’ of our own reality shows. Oh,am not complaining- who wouldn’t want to humour themselves with Mr ‘pointy haired boss’ and his fantastic coworkers?
You bet :(
So lesson to the uninitiated- Its not what you think
Lesson to the Initiated – Its Still not what you think
Lesson to the molten rock- Buck doesn’t stop here………Yet!